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Continuing Education

The Continuing Education Division provides a variety of career/technical and community education programs that are open to all individuals seeking entry-level job training, professional development, and personal enrichment. The CE Division offers courses and short-term certification programs in most of the ACC Areas of Study.

Students can register for CE classes without completing the ACC enrollment process. Upon successful completion of a CE class, students receive Continuing Education units (CEUs). CE classes do NOT award college credit and typically are not eligible for financial aid. In some cases, noncredit courses can be used in place of regular college credits. Contact the Continuing Education Division for information.

Program details, class schedules, and registration information are available on the Continuing Education website at

Corporate Training Solutions

A division of Continuing Education, Corporate Training Solutions provides training specialists who work with businesses to customize and schedule training and assessment programs for their employees. Programs can address technical skills, management and supervision, employability skills, workplace literacy, Spanish language learning, and other skills to improve job performance and productivity.

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