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Architecture Field of Study

The Architecture Field of Study curriculum is designed for students seeking a bachelor’s degree with a major in architecture.

ACC’s field of study courses for architecture are listed below. The Field of Study Curriculum for Architecture consists of 36 lower-division semester credit hours that are fully transferable. Academic credit shall be granted on a course-for-course basis at the credit-hour level of the receiving institution. Full academic credit shall be granted on the basis of comparable courses completed, not on specific numbers of credit hours accrued. Courses are intended to fulfill all or part of various National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB). Note that two of the courses in this Field of Study are not currently offered by ACC.

Architecture Field of Study Curriculum
ARCH 1311Introduction to Architecture
ARCH 1301Architectural History I
ARCH 1302Architectural History II
ARCH 1303Architectural Design I
ARCH 1304Architectural Design II
ARCH 2603Architectural Design III*
ARCH 2604Architectural Design IV*
ARCH 1307Architectural Graphics I
ARCH 1308Architectural Graphics II
ARCH 2312Architectural Technology I
*Not offered at ACC
Three additional General Education Core Curriculum courses that best transfer into most architecture degree programs are:
ENGL 1301English Composition
MATH 2412Precalculus: Functions & Graphs
PHYS 1401General College Physics I

Transferring students who have successfully completed the Field of Study Curriculum for Architecture may be subject to satisfying competency and proficiency requirements equivalent to those standards applied to students native at the receiving institution. Completion of the Field of Study Curriculum for Architecture shall not prevent a receiving institution from requiring additional lower-division courses needed for specific additional degree-specific, lower-division courses that are not included in the field of study curriculum.

Students should always consult with an academic or Architectural & Engineering Computer-Aided Design faculty advisor regarding transfer to a specific college or university. In addition, students should consult with an advisor at the Texas college or university to which they are transferring for additional information.

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